Have you heard there are a bunch of animals running all over the class? Well this is quite true as we have begun doing our animal reports. I'm not 'lion'!
We have leaped right back into learning here in our classroom.

We began studying Non-fiction Reading and Writing. First, the students brainstormed possible topics they were interested in. After this, I went to the Media Center to retrieve books for them to research with. However, some books were not long enough to gather enough details to write a report. As a result, we discussed other ways besides reading books to learn information on their topic. One way is to visit the Internet. 

Here are some websites I have found that your child can go to and print out information for their animal.
Also, you can always visit other libraries to find more books. The Pablo Creek Library here in Jacksonville is wonderful. It is right down the road from Walmart on Beach Blvd. You can check out the magazines and books they have to choose from for free!
Happy hunting!
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