Most of our tools for workshops have been set up as well. Students are equipt with a reading/writing journal, writing folder, homework folder, book in a bag, and science notebook.
Students began writing reading responses to books read to them and have started writing their first Narrative.
On the math side, students have learned how to read graphs and charts and understand the importance of reading a key/legend. They have practiced daily Calendar Math to learn place value, patterns, and expanded form.

Next week students will begin having both reading and math homework. Look for these sheets to come home Monday. They will be checked Wednesday and Friday. However, it is best to keep the folder with your child daily as we send home classwork often and the homework folder is as easy place to store these papers. We look forward to another great week!
Hi I like what we are doing in school
Rylee Herndon
i love school
Hello everyone! Today I had a wonderful day.
iwent to worm worm world
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