Sunday, September 6, 2009

Spelling Test Practice

Looking for ways to become a better speller? In our classroom the students are given an option to select for their weekly spelling homework. I felt that students would enjoy having a choice in which method of studying and practicing their weekly words. They were given a handout on the choices and have to turn them in each Friday before our test.

Here are the options again.

  1. Write them 3 times each

  2. Write them in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order

  3. Illustrate the words

  4. Write each in a sentence

  5. Write them in a paragraph

  6. Divide the words into syllables

  7. Write them in cursive

  8. Write them in a pyramid

  9. Rainbow write your words with colored pencils

Rainbow Writing was very popular this week!

It sure made me smile seeing how excited they were to show each other which way they picked to complete their homework.

Also, make sure to visit to view the weekly words. I post them so you don't have to enter them. Your child can take practice tests and play games with our words.

Steps to Follow:
Go to "Find a list". Click "Teacher". Type EVANKO. Pick the correct week to see the words.

Great job on your first spelling test this week spellers. Keep up the superb work!


Blasé said...

I thank God for 'spell-check' on my computer every day!

Susan T. Phillips said...

I am so glad you are giving the students choices about how to work with their Spelling words. I would probably have picked Rainbow too!