This blog was created to inform parents and other educators about the learning in our 3rd Grade classroom. You will find posts that offer enrichment to lessons taught in class. Also, this blog will show examples of student work that demonstrates their learning and ability to meet 3rd grade learning standards. "English is a funny language--that explains why we park our car on the driveway and drive our car on the parkway." ---Mark Grasso
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Open House
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Spelling Test Practice
Here are the options again.
- Write them 3 times each
- Write them in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order
- Illustrate the words
- Write each in a sentence
- Write them in a paragraph
- Divide the words into syllables
- Write them in cursive
- Write them in a pyramid
- Rainbow write your words with colored pencils
Rainbow Writing was very popular this week!
It sure made me smile seeing how excited they were to show each other which way they picked to complete their homework.
Also, make sure to visit to view the weekly words. I post them so you don't have to enter them. Your child can take practice tests and play games with our words.
Steps to Follow:
Go to "Find a list". Click "Teacher". Type EVANKO. Pick the correct week to see the words.
Great job on your first spelling test this week spellers. Keep up the superb work!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Book of the Month: 14 Cows for America

When was the last time you did a selfless act? Each month Mrs. Phillips shares a book with us that she selects to represent the book of the month. For September, she has chosen 14 Cows for America. This true story shows the generosity and compassion one tribe in Africa has for America after hearing about the events that took place on 9/11.
As I read the story to the students, they were deeply moved by the kindness this tribe had for Americans. We discussed the symbolism of the cows and why the tribe was willing to give them to Americans to show life and hope. Then, we pointed out how sometimes objects can stand for a certain feeling or emotion. I challenged to students to create their own personal similes and metaphors for common emotions. Below are their responses to what stands for these emotions to them.
"Sadness is letting a puppy go." Cynthia
"Happiness is like a big house full of frozen yogurt." Adam
"Disgust is old eggs." Alexandra
"Happiness is like a walk in the park." Caitlyn
"Happiness is my dog Hershy." Zachariah
"Happiness is like new presents and flowers." Katie R
"Grumpiness is like being the second kid in line." Veronica
"Happiness is like a big bowl of ice cream." James
"Happiness is puppies." Maritza
"Laziness is a bed sleeping with nothing to do." Rex
"Sadness is a cut in the leg." Katie S
"Happiness is a water park." Garrett
"Happiness is a new Game Cube." Mario
"Disgust is a meat loaf." Ian
"Sadness is like looking at the moon with nobody to talk with." Yatzaret
"Sadness is getting rid of dogs." Alyssia
"Rage is my brother annoying me." Baylee
"To me, rage is homework." Alex
"My monkey is life." Brendan
"A tight warm blanket is happiness." Maryssa
"Hope is a play date waiting." Anne
"Rage is a lady driving. " Danny
"Security is a bed." Parker
"Laziness is a early morning." Brenna
"Sun is hope." Evelyn
"Happiness is a trip to North Carolina." Roberto
"Disgust is my sister's diapers." Affan
"Rage is a F on a test." Monique
"A skateboard is life." Victor
"Hope is getting inside a rainbow." Emily
"Happiness is a Wii remote." Luke
"Sadness is a snakebite." Anasia
"Grumpiness is taking out the trash." Vincent
To learn more about this book you can view the homepage below.
14 Cows for America