We had another amazing party on Friday. This event was not possible without your help and the students and I thank all of you again. The donations were wonderful, as well as the parent help at the party. Parents are the best!
We started our morning off by decorating our bags to collect Valentines in.
I read several fiction/non-fiction stories involving Valentine's Day. It was a great way to really compare and contrast the genres and information that is presented.

After we finished decorating our bags it was time to deliver all the Valentines the students worked so hard on. I even got cards too! The students loved delivering their cards to each other.
Next, it was time for some goodies and special snacks. Our buffet had juice, cupcakes, a special trail mix, cookies, fruit, chips and so much more! Of course a Valentine's Day party isn't a party with the candy conversation hearts. They giggled over the mini-messages: "2 cute", "LUV U', "Be Mine", "Call me". My favorite is still, "Fax me". Many of them weren't quite sure what that meant. I guess I am old. :(
Later on I introduced the candy estimation jar. I HAND COUNTED candy hearts into a jelly container. Whoever guessed the closet would win the jar. Students wrote down guesses from 50-1,000,000. Quite a range! Well, the winner will be announced on Tuesday. How many candy hearts were in the jelly container? 150! Were you close?
The last event was BINGO! Mrs. Tsengas lead a fierce battle over bingo. They students made their cards with cut out Valentine's Day pictures.
The winners received a NEW CAR! Ok, just kidding. They got the second best prize of their own box of mini-candy hearts.

This was such a fabulous and fun-filled day at Chets Creek. Thank you again to all the parents who came in to help hand out food and clean up. Also, thank you for all the generous donations. Enjoy your long weekend and remember, no school on Monday! Happy Valentine's and President's Day!
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