This blog was created to inform parents and other educators about the learning in our 3rd Grade classroom. You will find posts that offer enrichment to lessons taught in class. Also, this blog will show examples of student work that demonstrates their learning and ability to meet 3rd grade learning standards. "English is a funny language--that explains why we park our car on the driveway and drive our car on the parkway." ---Mark Grasso
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Cause and Effect
Friday, October 24, 2008
Fall Festival Festivities

On Thursday our school celebrated Literacy Character Day. Students were allowed to dress like their favorite character from a book. We had so many creative costumes! They were so excited to explain their costume. Any excuse to dress up at school is always fun right?

We ended our Thursday with a little celebration. Thank you so much for the donations for our party. These fun events are possible because of you!We had cookies, doughnuts, candy, pretzels, goldfish, juice boxes, candy, candy, candy, and I think candy. YUM! We all loved this end of the day pick-me-up.

Thank you again Mrs. S for coming in to help with our party! Kids and candy can be a dangerous combination.
The Fall Carnival was a huge success too. Thank you Mr./Mrs. A for running our class football toss booth. It was so nice to get to chat and visit with parents and students.
When we return back on Monday, we will start the 2nd 9 weeks. Don't forget to check out our new Standard Based Bulletin Board for your child's Narrative Writing. Also, remember that every 9 weeks Mrs. Tsengas and I switch classes. Therefore, if you have me as a homeroom teacher you will now go to Mrs. Tsengas in the morning. See you Monday!
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Wonders of Publishing

Don't forget about the cover page! Students made a cover page that illustrated an important event in their story. What beautiful cover pages they were!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Quotation Marks

Doug asked, "Well, they are learning how to add details to their writings and Miss E always says to write EVERYTHING."
"There are a lot of rules though," Sarah said,"I think I better practice."
Yes, this is true. This week the boys and girls learned about quotation marks and talking tags. We discussed how quotation marks show readers when a character is talking. The actual words that are spoken need to be surrounded by quotation marks. Also, we learned that talking tags (She said, he stated, Miss Evanko whispered) tells us who/how the person is talking. Learning how and when to use them is so important because it will help them understand stories they read and they will use dialogue more in their writing. As we investigated in books we discovered the rules to using quotation marks. Here are some the rules:
Quotation Mark Rules
-Use a capital letter with the first word when the talking tag is first. She said, “Where are we going?”
-Do not use a capital letter if the quote is first and the talking tag isn’t a proper noun. “Let’s hurry!” she said.
-Do not use a capital letter with the first word if the talking tag interrupts and continues later in the sentence. “I love to go biking?” Tommy told his mom, “can we go now?”
-Use a comma to introduce a quotation after a talking tag.
-Begin a new paragraph each time a new character is talking.
-Put punctuation mark before the quotation mark when ending your sentence.
-Use one set of quotation marks even if the person talking says more than one sentence. “I brought my folder. I thought I left it at home,” I told my teacher.
You do not need quotation marks with indirect quotations. It often begins with the word that. Bob said that he was thirsty.
If you child is confused, don't panic! There are quite a few rules to using this tricky marks. Below is a great site to help them practice looking for where to add quotes, capitals, and commas.